Our Swedish supplier, Granuldisk, is dedicated to researching solutions that enable environmentally friendly, water- and energy-saving washing dishes.
Their latest innovation, PowerGranules BIO, is a biodegradable granulate made from natural ingredients and manufactured for their Granuldisk dishwashers. PowerGanules BIO is the very first biodegradable granulate on the market.
BIO granules take Granuldisk Granule technology to a new level of sustainability
BIO granules consist of three components:
• calcium carbonate, a very common building material for rocks – such as calcite and aragonite, but also in the form of limestone
• The second ingredient is rapeseed oil
• the third is a combination of biodegradable esters
BIO granules provide a high level of hygiene and are an environmentally friendly solution: 25% less carbon footprint and 87% less water than Granuldisk’s traditional PowerGranule granules.